Sunday, May 15, 2011

Access Network Load Balancing (NLB) server and WLC

I ran in to a problem where users on the wired LAN could access a Microsoft cluster IP but not through the Cisco Wireless LAN.  You could even ping the virtual NLB IP from the WLC itself.  I found that the you need to enable a bogus multicast address on the Wireless LAN Controller under general settings and enabling multicast on the global settings.

Controller - Multicast - Enable Multicast Mode


Controller - General - AP Multicast Mode to Multicast and define an IP.

This should be enough if wireless users and the servers are on the same VLAN.  Of course, if the servers are on a different VLAN, you need to enable multicast on your switches or routers.

Multicast with Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs) and Lightweight Access Points (LAPs) Configuration Example